EP 369: Nate - How He got sober in his home town

Apr 10, 2024

Real Recovery Talk: Navigating Sobriety with Nate - On Meetings, Sponsorship, and Community

In this episode of Real Recovery Talk, host Tom Conrad and co-host Ben introduce Nate, who shares his journey to sobriety which began reluctantly through AA meetings mandated by the court system. Despite initial resistance, Nate's return to AA, spurred by continued problems and a legal push, eventually led him to embrace the program's principles, work the steps with a sponsor, and actively participate in the recovery community. The discussion encompasses the challenges and revelations of working through the 12-steps, particularly the impactful experience of the fourth step. Nate, with 12 and a half years sober, also reflects on the value of community and deeper connections made in recovery compared to his 'fair weather friends' during his drinking days. Additionally, the hosts and Nate discuss the broader recovery environment in different locations, including South Florida and Tallahassee, the role of treatment, and the importance of ongoing commitment to recovery practices, like daily inventory, regardless of how long one has been sober. The episode concludes with reflections on personal growth in recovery, including finding joy in helping others and discovering new interests.

00:00 The Journey to Recovery: First Steps and Realizations
01:16 Introduction to the Hosts and the Real Recovery Talk
01:27 Tattoos and Personal Stories: A Lighter Side of Recovery
02:01 Engaging with the Recovery Community: Podcasts, Facebook Groups, and Support
04:21 Nate's Story: From Struggle to Sobriety
08:07 The Impact of Court-Mandated AA Meetings on Recovery
12:26 Embracing the Full Spectrum of Recovery: Meetings, Sponsorship, and Steps
26:09 Discovering New Passions and Building Meaningful Relationships in Sobriety
30:25 Oceanic Adventures and the Limits of Human Endurance
31:25 The Cycle of Addiction on Oil Rigs
32:08 Isolation, Sobriety, and the Power of Literature
32:55 The Essence of Recovery Beyond Meetings
33:45 Navigating Life's Challenges with Sobriety Tools
35:29 The Unique World of Tanker Surfing
37:27 Transitioning to Sobriety and New Beginnings
38:54 The Importance of Community in Recovery
44:56 Embracing Imperfection and Continuous Growth
48:50 Closing Thoughts and Gratitude

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