$197.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Family Reconnect Program: A Path to Healing and Support

Take the first step towards healing and recovery for your family. Enroll in the Family Reconnect Program today and gain the knowledge, support, and tools you need to help your loved one and restore harmony within your family. 

What you'll get:

  1. Expert Guidance: Learn from seasoned professionals in addiction counseling and medical treatment.
  2. Structured Curriculum: Follow a step-by-step program to address addiction and family dynamics.
  3. Supportive Community: Connect with other families facing similar challenges and build a support network.
  4. Practical Tools: Gain actionable strategies to support your loved one's recovery journey.
  5. Enhanced Communication: Improve your ability to communicate effectively and empathetically with your loved one.
  6. Understanding Addiction: Gain a comprehensive understanding of addiction as a disease and its impact on both the individual and the family.
  7. Communication Skills: Learn effective communication techniques to interact with your loved one constructively.
  8. Boundary Setting: Develop strategies to set healthy boundaries while showing compassion and support.
  9. Coping Mechanisms: Discover tools and techniques to manage stress and maintain well-being.
  10. Relapse Prevention: Understand the signs of relapse and how to support your loved one through recovery setbacks.