123 - 5 Min or Less: Prioritizing Time when newly Sober

Episode #123

5 Min or Less

Prioritizing time when getting sober


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When getting sober we find that we are likely unemployed, lacking any meaningful relationships with family or loved ones due to our addiction, and have a lot of extra time on our hands. The question is, what do we do with all of this time? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Well, if you are in a detox or inpatient type program then there really isn’t much to do outside of what the program tells you to do. But if you are in some sort of outpatient program or living on your own then you may find you have a lot of extra time that you need to fill. If we don’t take the action steps necessary to fill this time with productive tasks or things to do then we could find ourselves spending a lot of time in our heads, which is not a good place for us to be. 😖

It goes without saying that we will need to find employment at some point in time. So go out and find a job, this cannot wait. Also, as newly sober people we need to rely on sober friends and sober support networks. These are things that we can work on as well. Find new friends, spend time with them. Do productive things that will help you progress life.

Whatever it is that you find yourself doing make sure you have balance. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Balance is key, with everything.

Exercise and fitness is very important but that doesn’t mean spend five hours a day in the gym and another five hours researching the latest fad diet and fitness programs.  Go to the gym, get a good workout in, leave and move onto the next thing. Go to the library, research a new career path that you want to endeavor on. Make new friends, create new hobbies, experience new experiences.