122 - 5 Min or Less: Failing Forward

Episode #122

Often times people will look at failure as a setback. I encourage you to look at failure as an opportunity to improve. When people relapse continuously it’s easy for them to fall into the mindset of “I will never be sober”. This is unrealistic thinking, just because we relapse doesn’t mean we’re not going to ever be able to achieve long-term sobriety.

This does not lessen the effect of relapse. We often times hear relapse is a part of recovery, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Relapse is a part of recovery only if we let it. In the case that we relapse, let’s look at the things that led up to the relapse.

Ex: have I stopped reaching out to sober supports? Have I stopped going to meetings? Am I becoming angry and short tempered easily? Did I treat my family and loved ones any differently? Did I set the bar too high for myself? Did that relationship ending assist in my relapse?  What can I learn from this relapse?

If we can ask ourselves these questions and answer them honestly, then this relapse becomes an opportunity for us to learn. If we can learn what led up to the relapse and prevent it from happening again then we just failed forward. 


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