121 - 5 Min or Less: Exercise, Eat Right, Prayer and Meditation: Do these things, you will be happy you did

Episode #121

5 Min or Less


There are certain things that we can do when in early recovery that will help us feel better mentally emotionally and spiritually. It is vital for us to do all three of these in conjunction with our support program and or treatment. These three things are:


Exercise: 🏃🏃‍♀️🏀🏊‍♂️move a muscle change a thought. This doesn’t mean that we have to take on CrossFit, powerlifting or Pilates. Start small, go for a walk. Anything is better than nothing


Eat right:  🍏🍌🥑🥦🌽🥔 not 🍔🍟🌭🌮🍕🌯The food that we put in our body is going to directly affect the way that we feel. Rather than pumping a bunch of highly processed highly palatable foods into our body, let’s eat nutrient dense foods that Will make us feel a lot better in the long run. Eat quality proteins, fruits and vegetables and non-processed carbohydrates. Start out small make one meal a healthy meal rather than all our meals being fast food and ice cream


Prayer and meditation:  🙏🙏 If you’re working some sort of 12 step program, he will come to find out that it is spiritual in nature. So if you are not already doing so, start a practice of prayer and meditation into your life and you will feel a lot better spiritually.


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