120 - 5 Min or Less: Active Listening

Episode #120

5 Min or Less


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When having a conversation with somebody it’s important that we try and practice active listening. Active listening will let that person know that we hear them, although we may not be able to relate, we understand what they are saying. Active listening is a great way to have healthy communication with whoever that person may be.


If you have a loved one that is struggling with addiction, eventually you will have to have a conversation with them. So being able to listen actively is very important. If we cannot listen actively, it portrays that we don’t care for them, we don’t hear them, and we are disregarding their feelings.


Active listening is something that we can practice on a daily basis. Next time you’re having a conversation with someone pay attention to your body language, your tonality, and your eye contact.  Try not to stare off into space somewhere, leaving them think that you are not paying attention to them. Repeat back to them what they have said in your own words and offer your feedback if warranted. Often times all people want is for you to listen and to not speak. Don’t forget that.