116 - 5 Min or Less: You are who you surround yourself with!

Episode #116

You are who you surround yourself with!

The people that we choose to hang around with will directly affect the level of success we achieve throughout our sobriety. If we choose to hang out with losers, we will lose. If we choose to hang with winners, we will win.

This goes for anybody in life. Not just people getting sober. If you want to be a successful business person then hang out with successful business people. If you want to be a successful mountain climber hang out with successful mountain climbers. Although this sounds very surface level it is the absolute truth.

Often times people claim they want to be “sober”  but spend the majority of their time doing things that non-sober people would do. Sobriety means so much more than just putting down the drink or the drug.  It is about changing our lifestyle. And that often times means changing our people, places and things. We need to have a total mindset shift when getting sober and that happens by hanging out with people that resemble sobriety.

Stick with the winners!!!