114 - 5 Min or Less: You gotta put the work in!

Episode #114

5 Min or Less


You Gotta Put In the Work!

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If you are going to take the plunge into getting sober, you have to understand that it is going to take a lot of hard work. I sometimes think that people are under the misconception that getting sober is just about stopping using drugs and alcohol. That is very far from the truth.


I have noticed that when things get hard for people that is when they tend to quit. When challenges arise, or uncomfortability sets in, then they’ll throw in the towel. This is the time that you have to knuckle down and do the work that you don’t necessarily want to do. When you are in addiction treatment it is hard work. If you want to get anything out of treatment itself you have to be willing to work hard, be vulnerable, be honest and grind it out

If you’re able to continue to work hard and to put forth all your efforts into your sobriety you will succeed. I can guarantee sobriety for anybody that is willing to work hard, nonstop! Don’t come into this looking for an end date or a graduation certificate. Come into this understanding that there is no end date and this isn’t something you graduate from, it’s a lifestyle.