111 - 5 Min or Less: MTV Halfway House Living!

Episode #111

MTV Real World: “the halfway house”

In this video I will discuss the abundance of stimulus one feels while living in a sober support community.

There is always something entertaining going on. It is the excitement of a new environment. It is the chaos of living with others.

I discuss this topic to bring awareness and preparation for the day that you move out into the adult world. All of a sudden you will find yourself alone and dependent upon the outside support community that you have either built or have not built.

I always tell our clients to duplicate the same sense of community they feel in treatment, outside of treatment. Being in treatment exposes one to the connection that can be felt. After being exposed, one may find value in establishing a more permanent recovery Community.

Treatment and halfway is only temporary. Are you preparing yourself for the day that you move out? Will you feel like you have an abundance of support even though you are no longer enrolled in treatment?

Forget halfway, and go the WHOLE-WAY!