110 - 5 Min or Less: You get more with Honey than you do Vinegar!

Episode #110

Have you ever tried having a conversation with someone and it just isn’t going the way that you thought that it would? 🙋🏻‍♂️

I know for myself when someone is not responding to me in the way I don’t want to be responded to, I get on the defense. I will start to justify why I am right and you are wrong, I will get angry, I will get defensive and in the end it’s not a productive conversation at all.  In this video I discuss why it’s important to try and have healthy conversation as an adult in recovery. We know resentment is the number one offender. So it is important for us to be able to have conversations with people in a manner that gets something accomplished rather than getting into arguments and everybody gets in a race to see who can become victim first.

Ben taught me “You get more with honey than you do vinegar.” When I first heard that I questioned it. 🧐 I wasn’t quite sure what he was trying to say. But over time it makes sense, the goal is to have constructive conversations with people and in the end everybody is happy.

It’s easy for me to get angry and defensive and jump on the defense but that never accomplishes anything.. We all do it, but we can all fix it!!