109 - 5 Min or Less: To Smoke Weed or not to Smoke Weed? In Recovery.....

Episode #109

5 Min or Less

To cannabis or not to cannabis in recovery?

A very popular subject amongst the recovery community is whether or not utilizing marijuana is a relapse or not. The sober support community that I surround myself with does consider it a relapse; Though, one will find individuals who fall into both camps. Who is to say what is sober and what is not?

I believe this is for every individual to decide for themselves. We have the only disease, that tells us we donā€™t have it, that has to be self diagnosed. If one chooses to take the risk, are they willing to potentially pay devastating consequences as a result of putting certain motions into play?

Or maybe they pay no consequences? Does someone who has worked hard for their recovery really want to take the risk? In this video I will discuss my personal opinion, and look at some of the potential downfalls to partaking in cannabis use. I would advise against doing so, but that is just my opinion.