106 - 5 Min or Less: No is an "OK" Answer

Episode #106

5 Minutes or Less

No is an “OK” Answer

Often times it is so hard for parents and loved ones to say NO to the ones that they care about the most.  The unfortunate thing about that is, sometimes because we never say NO, it can drive someone deeper and deeper into their addiction.

I spend a lot of time talking with parents and loved ones, trying to convince then that it is OK to draw boundaries!  There is nothing wrong with saying “No, I am not going to pay your cell phone bill this month” or “No, I am not going to loan you $20 dollars for gas”

Addicts and Alcoholics will take someones “niceness” and turn it into a “weakness”.  It’s like the ol’ saying, “you give an inch, they will take a mile”  Now this doesn’t mean, go home and throw your alcoholic son or daughter out oof the house tonight!  But it does mean, take a look at yourself, and ask yourself, Am I part of the problem? 


  • Am I being to nice? 
  • Am I enabling this person to use drugs and drink?
  • What am I doing to provide for this person, while they continue to go out every night and sometimes not even come home?

The list goes on and on, I think you get the point.  Its OK to say NO!