100 - 5 Min or Less: Can I have Fun Sober?

Episode #100

Can I be sober and have fun at the same time?


Often times when people get sober they think that they are buying into this new idea that they are going to live boring mundane lives.  Done get me wrong, I do know people that are super boring and would be in better moods if they were drunk.  Those are people we like too call “dry drunks”  😂


Sobriety and Recovery can be boring if we don’t take the initiative to make it fun!  We need to find people that we can surround ourselves with that are going to help us enjoy our new fund sobriety. 


I tell people all the time, find new stuff to do.  Have new experiences.  Without those, sobriety can be boring.  Let’s face it, if sobriety can’t be fun, then what is the point? 


Remember, it takes initiative.  We have to make our sobriety what we want it to be or we are going to go back to what we know best.  Drugs and Alcohol 💪✌️

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