94 - The MAT Trap - Medically Assisted Treatment Pitfalls

Episode #94

Medically Assisted Treatment and our opinions.


Disclaimer: The information found in this episode should not be used to diagnose, prescribe or treat an individual and should not be used in place of medical advice from a licensed healthcare practitioner.

We recently attended a celebration of life for a friend, which was beautiful. He touched so many people with his kindness and love.

Today Ben and I will chat about real experiences we have come across in our journey, focusing on MAT - Medically Assisted Treatment. MAT can be useful with proper execution and planning for the challenges which lie ahead for the client. Mood and mind-altering drugs are a necessity in some cases; however, our experience has shown us a better recovery method in Abstinence Based Recovery.

At Rock Recovery, we have a step-down program for our clients to transition from our center to living a clean, sober, and independent life. We assist our clients by giving them the tools to safely and effectively live on their own, including community support.

One phone call Ben accepted recently sounded like the potential client was a good fit for our program. Let’s call this person, “Mike.” Mike claimed he was eight months sober and living on his own with a job and wanted to have additional support and treatment. Ben met Mike for a pre screen drug test, which lit up with three different types of drugs. The man claimed sobriety, which was not valid based on the analysis. Ben found out that Mike’s insurance ran out at eight months sobriety and was asked to leave the previous facility he was treated at. The doctor released Mike with two different drugs, which can be fatal if you mix them with alcohol. Additionally, both of these drugs have extreme medical withdrawal.

Ben was troubled with the provider who left this person on his own with drugs, which could have easily killed him if he drank. Mike didn't understand why we couldn't take him into our sober living and had to explain to him what sober living is for the recovery center.  

MAT treatment is becoming normalized when this shouldn’t be the norm. This method does not take into effect the six requirements for living a sober life. Giving someone drugs and leaving them to their own devices was not responsible for the treatment center who left him out in the cold.

We talk about abstinence-based sobriety and the MAT sobriety process and how we use this therapy in the Rock Recovery Center. We have clients come to us and tell us they want to get off Suboxone and move forward without using drugs for recovery.

Our location in South Florida feels like paradise. This beautiful environment and area to enjoy and relax is a great place to recover and live when you are out of your recovery at the Rock Recovery Center. Ben talks about the many outdoor activities you can participate in during your recovery.

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Show Notes:

  • [05:51] The shortcomings and pitfalls which people experience with MAT.
  • [06:57] Ben shares his experience with MAT based fallout.
  • [14:21] Mike was left out in the cold, with drugs that could have had a fatal side effect.
  • [15:19] How Mike was given drugs, but he barely had enough money to live.
  • [17:11] When the promises come true.
  • [18:17] Who should you see if you are looking for responsible MAT treatment?
  • [20:46] Ben’s personal experience with Suboxone.
  • [23:23] Understand the dangers of using drugs to come off of an addiction.

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