74 - Top 5 Reasons People Leave Addiction Treatment Early

Episode #74

Why do people leave treatment early? Tom and Ben we'll be discussing the top five reasons why people leave treatment early in this podcast episode. There are so many excuses and reasons that people use to say that recovery isn’t working for them. Most of these come from within. We discuss the top five, and how these objections can be overcome. 

We also talk about each of the reasons and explain how they can apply to different people. Recovery isn’t easy, and it isn’t supposed to be. We talk about the importance of being challenged and having opportunities for growth. We also talk about how family members can contribute to the problem and more.  

Show Notes:

  • [02:48] They are in denial that there is even a problem. Sometimes people have to be strong-armed into going into treatment. There are interventions, and things are taken away.
  • [03:37] If treatment is forced on people, they may not believe that they have a problem.
  • [04:10] Any part of the family dynamic can be in denial not just the addict. This is why we don't want the loved ones intervening during treatment. 
  • [06:54] As time goes on, people start feeling better and the addiction starts creeping back in. This is unfortunate because this is the time people start leaving treatment. Getting 90 to 120 days in treatment is the key.
  • [07:53] The program is just too difficult. If it was easy everyone would do it. Without a challenge, you won't grow.
  • [08:53] We have adventure challenges and make things difficult, so people have an opportunity to constantly grow.
  • [09:44] Having to adapt and follow rules creates challenges that can help people in treatment grow and learn to face challenges. 
  • [10:40] We want the opportunity for things to be difficult, because it's about the application of the tools clients learn to use. 
  • [13:25] Withdrawal symptoms. People still feel bad after detox. This can cause people wanting to leave when they can't get through this uncomfortable feeling. 
  • [14:39] Post acute withdrawal can cause anxiety and depression where people still aren't thinking quite right. 
  • [16:53] If someone is clinically depressed, it's our responsibility as a facility to help with that.
  • [18:53] It really takes us about three weeks in treatment to get into the work and see the patterns and behaviors. 
  • [20:00] Anxiety and depression can have an effect on all of these things we are talking about today and can prevent people from having the lifestyle transformation they need to make.
  • [20:27] Doesn't think treatment is effective. People have been to multiple treatment centers, and they're not learning anything that they don't already know.
  • [21:04] If you've been to 10 treatment centers, we have the opportunity to teach you how to apply the stuff that you've learned. Knowing the tools and applying them are two different things.
  • [23:45] People can get discouraged and adopt a mentality of this is pointless, and I'm not going to do it.
  • [25:38] Go into group with enthusiasm. If you've been to 10 treatments, you probably have something to offer other people. Try to find a purpose like bringing hope and inspiration to others.
  • [26:26] I already have the tools to stay sober. You can't teach me anything that I don't already know. You have to create an environment where people want to apply the tools that they've learned.
  • [27:27] People need to be in an environment that fosters sobriety.
  • [27:57] Denial that there is a problem. The program is too difficult. We're still going through some withdrawal systems. They don't think the program will be effective. I have the tools to stay sober already.

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