We know WHY we are alcoholics and drug addicts: NOW WHAT?

Join our FREE FB Support group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/realrecoverytalk Download our free guides!: https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/guides Chat with us! https://www.realrecoverytalk.com/services In this episode, we dive into some key questions about the 12-step journey. We discuss the value of family members getting involved in a 12-step program and the role of Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) in helping families heal. Can working the 12 steps repeatedly continue to provide value, or is there a point where the returns diminish? We explore whether it makes sense to keep revisiting the steps and how they can evolve over time depending on where you are in your recovery journey. This is a thought-provoking conversation for anyone curious about maximizing the impact of the 12 steps while keeping recovery balanced and meaningful. Tune in to get some clarity and perspective!